My little story! 

As far as I can remember I’ve been surrounded by creative people. For instance, my dad was a graphic designer and let us create never-ending art projects growing up. From a young age, I took pride in being able to create little pieces of my imagination into tangible objects. As a child, something I looked forward to enormously was the “Kite Flying Competition”, I’d wait impatiently for that time of the year to arrive. We would design and build kites from scratch and the most unique, well-constructed kite would win a prize. I can’t recall if my designs ever won, but the process of innovation and creation of something I could call my own brought me nothing but happiness and excitement. Along with the artistic journey it set me on, was far bigger than any prize I could have won. The moment I realized that creativity and artistic thinking were some of my strong suits which led me to pursue a career in design. 

As a professional creative designer, I have worked in various design disciplines such as interior design, architecture, UX/UI, and product design, and I have been fortunate enough to have worked with renowned companies such as Starbucks, Goodyear, TJX, and Comcast. Working with these companies allowed me to learn about the importance of customer experience in physical and digital contexts while delivering a user-centric design that boosts customer satisfaction and inspires them to share the brand story with others. I have been able to strategically solve design problems and successfully execute the real-life projects through research, concept development, prototyping, and usability testing while utilizing the appropriate tools and methods. 

I am passionate about people and being from a diverse community and understanding the obstacles such communities face, I always think about “inclusiveness” and “accessibility”. For me, designing a multi-lingual product is one way to incorporate such principles and bring different communities together. 

When I’m not designing, I’m probably cooking or traveling. So drop me a line if you’d like to talk design or simply exchange travel and recipe tips! I look forward to hearing from you! Cheers!